10 Awful Things Narcissists Do To Their Wives


 Number 3: They lie a lot to their wives.

 Narcissists lie a lot to their wives. They will tell them they must work late or have an emergency meeting with a client. They will also lie about small things like not having enough money in their bank account or spending too much on a purchase. They have to lie about anything and everything just to make themselves look good.

 Narcissists will do anything to get what they want in life, even if it means lying to their wives. They will use any means necessary to ensure they have what they need and want. They will tell you that they’re going to do something, but then they won’t actually do it. They’ll say they’re sorry but then go back to doing the same thing again.

 Number 4: They use gaslighting to control their wives.

 Narcissists use gaslighting to control their wives. This form of manipulation involves telling someone their feelings are wrong or imagining things when they are not. By doing this, narcissists can keep their wives under control and prevent them from leaving their relationship. Narcissists will use gaslighting techniques on their wives to make them doubt themselves and believe they are responsible for any problems in their relationship.

 The Narcissist might accuse their partner of being too needy or dependent and refuse to meet any of those needs. They might tell their spouse they’re weak, lazy, or incapable of doing anything for themselves.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself.

 Number 5: They cheat on their wives.

 Narcissists don’t have any real feelings for their spouses, so cheating isn’t about being unhappy with a relationship; cheating is about finding someone who can meet their needs better than their wives. Narcissists cheat because they want to see the relationship as a means to an end.

Narcissistic men tend to cheat otherwise because they’re very insecure about themselves and need constant validation from others, especially women. They feel they are the center of the universe, and it is normal for them to take what they want and not care about the consequences. Narcissists want to feel like they are more important than anyone else and they want to prove that by having multiple Affairs.

 Narcissists love power and control over others, so being able to manipulate someone into having an affair with them gives them a sense of power and control over someone else’s life. They are also very good at hiding their true nature. They know how to pretend they’re normal and caring, so it can be hard to spot when they cheat on you.

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