10 Signs a Narcissist Has Emotionally Discarded You

10 Signs a Narcissist Has Emotionally Discarded You


A narcissist will almost always rely on love-bombing and s.e.x-bombing to reel you in and get you hooked onto them. This idealization phase includes intense attention, affection, compliments, gifts, frequent and amazing s.e.x, and once you’re hooked, the narcissist will begin to reveal their true colors. And it’s at this point that they will begin to disengage and discard you emotionally.

So today, we are going to give you 10 signs that a narcissist has emotionally discarded you. And at the end of this article, we will tell you the real reason you are being discarded, and if you can understand and accept this one thing, it will put an end to all of your confusion.

No matter what type of narcissist you’re dealing with, it’s important to understand that they have an extreme need to be admired and recognized as special and superior, but they also have a deep-seated hatred for their true self and an even deeper fear of being exposed and rejected. Because of this, they devalue, distance, dissociate, and discard those who get too close to them.

 Narcissistic personality disorder can be the result of complex trauma, genetics, or a combination of factors, but whatever the underlying cause, they are intrinsically motivated and driven to gain Supply, to maintain their false fantasy self and their false fantasy reality, and anyone who doesn’t play along gets discarded. And even if you do play along, you may still be discarded. 

So here are 10 signs that you’ve been emotionally discarded by a narcissist.

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