It can be easy to think that narcissists don’t show emotion or feelings. After all, why would they display behaviors related to remorse, sadness, or empathy?
In truth, narcissism doesn’t imply a lack of feeling. Narcissistic traits are most often self-serving rather than altruistic, but the person can still feel emotions. People with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic traits may laugh and cry like everyone else, though they may have different reasons for doing so.
For instance, people who lack empathy (a narcissistic trait) wouldn’t feel sad when they see another person upset, but they might get upset from feeling embarrassed or victimized. Narcissists are people who take great pride in themselves. They see themselves as Superior to others and demand constant admiration and attention.
To know what makes a narcissist sad, you have to think about what makes them happy and do the opposite.
Here are 10 things that make narcissists sad.
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