10 Ways to Give Narcissists a Living Hell

10 Ways to Give Narcissists a Living Hell


In this article, we reveal ten ways to give narcissists a living hell by exposing the narcissist. You’ll learn about words that destroy a narcissist that you can use to defend yourself from their games. Be aware that these tactics will make a narcissist miserable and should only be used if you cannot leave them.

If you’ve ever dealt with a passive-aggressive bully before, then you may already have experience with narcissists. If not, they are people who tend to see other people as things rather than actual human beings, and who want their needs and desires to be met at all times.

 These people have a tendency to latch on to others, sucking them of their energy and making them do task after task for them. Luckily, there are some ways to get back at a narcissist and finally strike back for everything they’ve put you through.

Read until point number 1 and you’ll know how to cut down any narcissist before they even get a chance to sink their teeth into you.

Continue reading on the next page


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