13 Clear Traits of a Psychopath (Spot Them)


 10. Has a small range of emotions.

 Psychologists have identified five core emotions that are typical in humans: Happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, and anger. These emotions may range in frequency and intensity based on personality, but a typical human will feel these emotions regularly.

 In contrast, psychopaths report that they don’t feel sadness or fear, but they do feel anger, disgust, and happiness. However, psychopaths feel happiness much more difficult than non-psychopaths. For example, if a psychopath was to get a gift that they’ve been wanting for a while, they’d likely feel much less happiness over it than a non-psychopath.

 9. Lacks empathy and is callous.

 Psychopaths lack empathy. In fact, brain scans of psychopaths show that they have a reduction in functioning in their prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the most involved area in the brain and is responsible for things such as empathy, learning from past mistakes using reflection, and forming principles and morals.

 As such, psychopaths will act callously toward other people, using harsh bullying tactics without any remorse. They’ll act this way to anyone regardless of their relationship with them. Their lack of empathy allows them to hurt others and not feel guilt or shame.

 8. They are impulsive.

 Psychopaths often experience boredom when they’re not highly stimulated. As such, they’ll often act impulsively to fulfill their boredom. Along with that, they’ll often act in drastic manners, such as spontaneously quitting a job due to anger or disgust without thinking about the financial consequences. Their impulsive nature is often hurtful to not only themselves but everyone around them.

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