
1. Envy.

 The first emotion is envy. Envy is a feeling of discontent or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck. This is how narcissists feel every day- discontent and resentful because someone has something that they don’t. Despite what a narcissist acquires in life, they still envy everyone around them. There is always something more that they think they deserve. They are covetous by nature.

 Covetous means having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else. So the cause of their envy is simply because narcissists are covetous- they want what others have without any real rhyme or reason.

 Narcissists do not know contentment, all they know is how to covet. This is why they are not satisfied, this is why they cheat, lie, and steal. Their lives are always incomplete. So no matter who you are, the narcissist will find something of yours to covet. It can be something tangible like your house, your car, your watch, your job, your spouse, your children. Or, it could be your network of friends, your personality, your character, your level of education, your common sense, etc.

 Narcissists are very envious, but what they envy more than anything are people who are not like them. They envy people who are good, honest, and sincere. They may laugh at them and try to use and abuse them, but they actually wish that they could be good, honest, and content with what they have, but they can’t. So instead, they envy our ability to find true joy and happiness in the simple things of life.

 What happens when a narcissist is envious but can’t do anything about it?

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