9 Bad Habits That Damage Your Brain And How To Avoid Them!


 1. Watching too much TV

 When you spend a lot of time watching TV, it generally means less time reading or doing something productive. According to Wonderopolis, a health and wellness website, people who watch more than 4 hours of TV a day are more likely to be obese.

Watching too much TV might also lead to more aggressive behavior. Watching too much TV, or Netflix may not be the best idea, because we muddled what we are exposed to, it’s our natural predisposition. This means that if we watch violence, sex, and drugs a lot, we’re more likely to indulge in them.

 If you’re still in doubt though, according to Healthline, recent research in the UK shows that regularly watching over 3 hours of TV each type can lead to cognitive decline in language and memory. Is your favorite show really worth it? No one says watching your favorite show is bad, you need to spend less time watching them.

According to Daisy Fancourt, a senior research fellow at the University College London, watching television has been shown in laboratory studies to lead to a more alert for the less focused brain. Some television viewing is stressful, and stress is also associated with impairments in cognition. To save your brain distress, skip a show today.

2. Not exercising your brain often

The same way your body needs exercise, your brain also needs exercise. The way to exercise the brain is by reading a book, solving a puzzle, learning a new skill, teaching someone a new skill, or playing music. When you’re always sleeping or searching for necessary things in Google, your brain suffers. Do you know the meaning of a play – without checking Google? When was the last time you read a book?

The 21st-century technology may be making you dumber than you realize. According to an American writer Nicholas Car “ Well, the net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take the information the way that distributes it in a swiftly-moving stream of particles, once I was a skipper diver in the sea of words, now I sleep along the surface like a guy on a jet ski.”

You need to exercise your brain regularly in order to thrive in today’s society.

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