9 Signs You’re Dating an Energy Vampire

9 Signs You’re Dating an Energy Vampire


Energy Vampires: They’re real, they’re mean, and they’re coming for all of us. No, this term is not a silly joke, either. Energy vampires are a word used to describe people who generally suck the life out of everyone and everything around them. They tend to prey on people who are nice, and kind, and generally see the good in others and the world around them.

This means that sometimes the vampires find a place to feed in relationships: using their partners to feed off of. Sadly, oftentimes these partnerships leave the other person (the one being fed off of) oblivious to their own suffering.

 That’s why, today, there is a list of nine signs that you’re dating an energy vampire. These signs need to be monitored carefully if there is any suspicion of anything with the partner.

Energy Vampires, by definition, are people who suck the life and fun out of everything in the life of those around them just to bring them down. It brings them joy. After all, misery does love company.

The Following Are The Top 9 Signs You’re Dating an Energy Vampire:

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