9 Things You Should Do When Attacked By A Narcissist


 Number 1: Don’t react at all.

 If you’re being attacked by a narcissist, the best thing to do is to not react at all. Narcissists know how to make you feel in specific ways, and they’ll use that against you if they can. When you respond to something a narcissist tells you, it invites them to continue the conversation. It also gives them power over you.

If someone is attacking you, just don’t respond, try not to even listen. The more you react, the more opportunity they have to get what they want from the interaction. Narcissists need to be the center of attention, so if you react to them, it’s like throwing fuel on the fire. If you react, they win. Narcissists trying to get a reaction out of you and make you feel bad so they can feel good about themselves.

 Number 2: Don’t take it personally.

 Narcissists are masters of manipulation and gaslighting. They will make you feel like your feelings don’t matter, that you’re crazy, or that you’re overreacting. Narcissists want you to lose your cool so they can feel powerful and in control. The best thing to do is to remember that this is all just a game for them. This is a common mistake made by people who are attacked by a narcissist.

 When we are attacked, we tend to think that the person attacking us is attacking us personally and that something must be wrong with us. However, this is not the case. Narcissists live in their world and don’t know how their actions affect others. You shouldn’t take their actions inwards personally.

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