How to Spot a Covert Narcissist Very Early On


 1. Over-Compliment You.

The first sign is that the person would be over complimentative of you. Complements in themselves are not bad. But because Narcissists are extremists and self-serving, they are very heavy with compliments. We also cannot forget that Narcissists themselves love to be complimented and flattered. It feeds their ego and makes them feel good, as result, they think it works for everyone else.

 So, in a bid to win you over and lower your defences, they would complement you on just about everything; the way you look, how you speak, the way you move. Anything they can compliment you on, they will. And that is a big red flag. Why would someone feel the need to compliment you every chance they get unless they are trying to butter you up for something.

 It gets to the point where the compliments are clearly not genuine or needed, but they would make you feel as if they cannot help themself because they like you so much. Compliments are a primary way for the Narcissist to charm people in order to win their favour and trust. So, they are not shy when it comes to dishing them out frequently and heavily, including on a first date or the very first time you meet them.

2. Sell Themselves As a Hero/Victim.

 The second thing they would do is sell themselves as either a hero or a victim. Narcissists are unable to just be neutral as they are extremists. So, they have to be on either end of the spectrum of being a hero or a victim. They want to either impress you or get you to feel sorry for them. Narcissists love to pull on heartstrings to gain our empathy and respect.

 Again, we need to remember that this is very early on in meeting them, but they would volunteer whatever information they can to get you to buy what they are selling. Narcissists are all about getting people to trust them as quickly as possible, and presenting themselves as either a hero or a victim seems to do the job quite well. For more on how Narcissists market themselves to win your trust, please see this article where I delved more into certain phrases, etc.

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