How to Spot a Narcissist Before They Manipulate You

How to Spot a Narcissist Before They Manipulate You


Narcissistic manipulators are everywhere. They prey on everyone and if they lock sights on you, the first thing they’ll do is make sure they don’t set off any of your natural alarms. In past articles, we’ve had the opportunity to spot real-life examples of narcissistic manipulation traits, so I decided to create a list of the 7 most common behaviors of this kind of manipulator and how to neutralize them.

Even if there’s no visible trait or feature that allows you to spot a narcissist just by looking at them, there are behavioral traits that you can detect easily.

These predators can be colleagues at your workplace, a classmate at school, or even inside your family. But one of the most dangerous scenarios to meet them are relationships. That’s why I’ll be focusing these narcissistic traits on dating so you don’t get “entangled” with them.

The Following Are The Top 7 most common behaviors to watch out for Before They Manipulate You.

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