How To Spot Narcissistic Insecurity


 Narcissists need us to validate them, compliment them, believe, and trust them. So, when we tell them things that are not in line with their false identity, it is like throwing a rock in their face. When we buck up against a Narcissist and dismantle their lies or call them out for exactly what they are, it angers and hurts them immensely.

Narcissists consider the truth of who they are an insult. So when we criticize them it is an insult. Words do hurt and the Narcissist is not immune either. Our words that attack their fake image and tear down their delusions hurt them to the core. That is something I went into in this article. Because Narcissists care what others think about them. They live their lives to impress people. They do and say things that will send Narcissistic Supply their way.

A Book: Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited– by Sam Vaknin.

 A Narcissist’s life is built on lies, and sooner or later that wall of lies will come tumbling down upon them and they will get hurt. And all their insecurities and shame will rise to the surface. So, although Narcissists are usually good at hiding their insecurities, there are few things they do that expose those insecurities.

Top Signs of Narcissistic Insecurity.

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