The Unavoidable Destiny Of The Narcissist


1. Ruining their relationships.

And the first way Narcissists sabotage their own lives is by ruining their relationships because as much as Narcissists need people, they are not good at maintaining healthy, positive relationships. As a result, Narcissists are masters at pushing away those they claim to love and need in their lives. They abuse, lie, manipulate and neglect those who are closest to them. But when those same people walk away because they have had enough, the Narcissist has the audacity to play the victim and blame the other person for ruining that relationship.

The loss of supplies is very detrimental to a Narcissist. But they are not willing to take accountability. They are not willing to humble themselves. They are not able to think of anyone but themselves. And they are not willing to do what it takes to maintain these supplies. And it’s because they hate people and cannot mask the envy and hatred that they have forever.

But also, as the truth of Narcissism is spreading, Narcissists are at risk of losing further supplies and they have no one else to blame but themselves. And this follows nicely into my other point because a lot of it has to do with Pride. The Narcissist’s pride will not let them yield.

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