What Is The Ultimate Punishment Narcissists Give And Why?

What Is The Ultimate Punishment Narcissists Give And Why?


Today I want to look at the fact that the narcissist treatment of people is not personalized to the individual. Narcissists treat everyone the same at the end of the day, and this is the key to understanding why they seek to torment us all in the same way, and why they choose to destroy us in the way that they do. I am referring to how they want us to suffer and be viewed and treated by others.

 Narcissists want their victims to suffer because it makes them feel better about themselves, but what is even better is if the victim suffers and loses in certain ways; the ways that the narcissist fears the most. Because the three top ways a narcissist would like to see someone suffer are also the three top things that would hurt the narcissist the most. And if you have seen this article, 3 Things That HURT A Narcissist THE MOST, you will have an idea of what I am talking about.

 I shared the top three things that I think would hurt any narcissist the most. Interestingly enough, these fears that the narcissists have they think others have them as well, so what hurts them is what they think will hurt us too. I will not be going into depth as to why these things hurt the narcissist, as I have already covered that, but more so the reasoning behind why they choose to inflate their worst fears on us.

How Narcissists Punish Us?

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