Words That Will HURT The Narcissist | Know These 5 Phrases

Words That Will HURT The Narcissist | Know These 5 Phrases


Today, I will be looking at five things you can say to a narcissist that will bruise their ego, make them question their image and influence, make them uncomfortable, hurt their feelings, and dare I say even destroy them.

 This is not an exhaustive list, so there are others that you can probably come up with yourself, just about anything that attacks their image or what is important to them should suffice. So depending on the narcissists you have to deal with, you would be able to rephrase any of these to suit your situation. But the point is, narcissists are very fragile, insecure, and fake people who cannot handle the truth or criticism. These things that you can say may cause a narcissistic injury and a negative reaction, or they can get the narcissist to be silent, and even avoid being around you. It all depends on the relationship you currently have with that narcissist.

 Saying no is not one of them because we should all know by now that narcissists hate that word. They want all their requests to be granted. You turning them down and telling them no pisses them off, but it is because of that sense of entitlement that they hold so dearly. They think too highly of themselves and have high expectations, but it’s to make up for the true feelings of worthlessness that they feel inside. Narcissists project onto the masses, everything that they know they are not. So you don’t get to see the true broken, evil depressed, tormented soul that they really are. So the phrases that I’m going to go into actually reminds the narcissist of the worthlessness that they try so hard to hide.

 Before I get into what the different sayings are, I must make it clear that who you are to the narcissist matters. The narcissist needs to see you as somewhat as they’re equal or superior for these saints to have a profound effect. Remember that narcissists look down on people. They are very judgmental of others, so who says these things I am going to talk about matters heavily. You need to be someone they are seeking a relationship with, or they are superior in the family unit, workplace, church, or any other social setting, but let’s get started.

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