11 Things to Expect When the Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Them Out


3. Using pity and guilt

 They are going to use and exploit as much pity and guilt as they can possibly get out of you. For example, they might try and say that you know them, you know their heart, you know they’re not capable of being that type of person, or they might say things like, “ my childhood was so abusive and I wouldn’t be like this if my parents had actually loved me.”

Life has just been so unfair, cruel, and horrible to them that it’s no wonder they’ve had some problems. And if you would just love them the way they deserve, if you could just show them the compassion and empathy that no one else ever has, then things would be okay. However they do it, but you can count on tons of guilt and pity plays.

4. They will try to scare you

They will try to scare you and put the fear of God into you. Remember, they’ve been playing manipulating and exploiting your vulnerabilities for a very long time, they know what your weak spots are. They might say things to you like,“ you’ll never find anyone else to love you, or you’re too old to ever find anyone else, or you can’t make it in the world without me or my money”.

 Well, whatever you are insecure or vulnerable about, they will try and manipulate those things using fear.

5. They will become the victim

 They are going to try and convince you, in whatever possible way they can, into getting you to believe that they are the victim of life in general, or the victim of your abuse, or the victim of their childhood, or the victim at their job, but they will be the victim, And actually, the one they typically go to is that they’re the victim of you and your dysfunction or abuse. It never ceases to amaze me how often that happens.

 Now all of a sudden, you’re the abuser and they’re the victim, and everything would be just fine if you would just stop with the abuse that you’ve subjected them to for so long. But one way or the other, you can count on them becoming the victim.

6. Narcissistic rage

 They very well could go into a narcissistic rage. Remember, narcissistic rages follow narcissistic injuries, and when you start to figure out they aren’t who you thought they, and you, in fact, believe that they’re a narcissist, that’s a huge narcissistic injury on a very deep level.

 So you can expect and plan on them exploding and going into a violent rage over this one.

A book: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse

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