15 Human Foods That Could HARM Your Dog (MUST KNOW!)

15 Human Foods That Could HARM Your Dog (MUST KNOW!)


Raise your hand if you have a dog who gets super excited when you eat anything and gives you those adorable puppy eyes, asking you to share that food with him. Any pup owner must have their hands in the sky right now, but hey, you should be extra careful and mindful with what you feed your dog. Dogs metabolize Foods differently from humans; that’s why feeding them human foods may cause harmful effects on their health.

While we consider dogs to be members of our family, feeding them the same food we eat can cause injury to them. Dogs are not used to eating the oily, fatty foods that we do, and they can get diarrhea and upset stomachs from them. It’s important to know what foods are toxic to dogs and avoid them.

And as a responsible pet owner, you must ensure that these foods should be out of your furry friend’s reach. Let’s find out which foods May harm your dog.

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