4 Things Narcissists Do When They Can’t Control You

3. They refuse to take no for an answer.

Some very tenacious narcissists will never accept the fact that they can no longer control you. Rather than just backing off, these particular narcissists will instead step up their game. They will utilize manipulation tactics like showing up unexpectedly to your doorstep or they might even show up at your job and make it really clear that they’ll always be the ones in control. They might even actually stalk you and literally show up wherever they want, whenever they want, in an effort to send that same message – they’ll always be the ones in charge. They will call you with some apparent emergency and try to get your attention that way, or they’ll make stuff up as to why you need to come back and provide the necessary supply they are obviously missing. This is what we call the hoover maneuver because they are literally trying to suck you back into that toxic relationship.

4. The narcissist ghosts you.

If you can hold out and get through all of that stuff, you’ll finally be rid of the narcissist because once their little bag of tricks is empty, they’ll ghost you. This is obviously the best-case scenario because the narcissist will be out of your life eventually. You might be lucky enough that they will realize you’re truly done, and they’ll just go dark for you. That’s because, without another move to make, they might just finally give up and move on to a new source of narcissistic supply. You can bet you won’t get closure, and that’s pretty standard for narcissists, and you can fully expect that they will continue to tell sob stories and spread lies about you to anyone who will listen. But at least they’ll be leaving you alone. At least you’ll finally have peace, since the narcissist realizes that the narcissistic supply he used to get from you sort of ran out, ran dry. Well, they’re going to focus on someone else for a little while.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

Fair warning though – don’t be surprised if, at a later date, the narcissist shows up again, looking for more supply from you. They’ll try to suck you back in with a standard hoover maneuver. Be careful. They usually do this because they’re bored or angry at or in some way removed from their new supply. Maybe the new supply got a clue and went no contact themselves.

So now that you know what to expect when the narcissist knows they’ve lost control of you, you’re probably wondering what are you supposed to do next?

Continue reading on the next page


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