5 Weird Eating Habits of a Narcissist

5 Weird Eating Habits of a Narcissist


As a kid, I hated to eat with my family, especially when my father was around. You may wonder why. Well, he had some weird and toxic eating habits that would make sharing a meal with him a very painful experience. Instead of letting you fill your tummy with food, he would fill it with stress and trauma. I remember always leaving the gathering in a torn-apart state, feeling confused and just shaming myself for not making an excuse to avoid eating with him.

Now that I look back, I can recognize that these toxic habits were extremely abusive and very stressful to deal with, which is the reason why I am creating this article today. In this article, I will talk about the five weird eating habits of a narcissist.

Important Disclaimer: I’m not in any way saying or suggesting that people who may have these weird eating habits are narcissists. That would be a foolish generalization to make because people are unique and have a unique set of behaviors. Some people can have weird eating habits without being narcissists. Just keep that in mind. You cannot look at this set of weird behaviors in isolation and consider it as a diagnostic criterion for narcissistic personalities. This in isolation means nothing. You have to look at the bigger picture and see these habits as a collective manifestation of their need for control, power, and thirst for supply.

The following are 5 Weird Eating Habits of a Narcissist:

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