If you want to know who a narcissist is underneath all that facade, all the masks they wear, observe their facial expressions. It’s through these micro-expressions they show a lot of grandiosity, entitlement, egocentrism, sadism, mechanism, and true lack of empathy. They make very weird facial expressions that, if you were to look at them in combination with their actions, you would get to know what you are dealing with.
Before we get started with number one, I want you to keep something in mind while reading this article. Human beings are pretty complex to understand. Just because somebody shows a single or multiple facial expressions that I will talk about today does not make them a narcissist. One or multiple facial expressions in isolation mean nothing; context is always important.
I am equipping you with this knowledge just to give you one more tool that you can add to what you already know to detect hidden narcissism. If you are trying to know whether or not the person you’re dealing with is a narcissist, look at their actions, look at everything else, then look at these facial expressions and decide accordingly.
In today’s topic, we are going to talk about seven weird facial expressions a narcissist makes.
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