8 Weird Behaviors Tied to Psychopathy

Number 1: They mainly use past tense when speaking.

Something really interesting that’s been observed in people with psychopathic tendencies is how often they use the past tense. Research shows that folks with psychopathic traits might have some challenges with memory and attention. So, they might find it somewhat easier to talk about past events. Also, psychopaths have this tendency to use the past tense when they want to avoid taking responsibility for what they’re doing or the situation they’re in right now. It’s like they’re trying to keep the focus on the past to shift the blame from themselves and dodge any sort of accountability.

Another possible reason for this behavior could be that they struggle to empathize with the current situation. By talking about things that have happened in the past, it’s like they’re able to distance themselves from their own emotions and what others are going through. This may be because they have a limited ability to empathize.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

Number 2: They find it challenging to distinguish different smells.

It seems like the sense of smell of people with psychopathic tendencies isn’t really their strong suit. That is, they might have a hard time smelling things. This is because a specific part of their brain called the orbital frontal cortex doesn’t work as well when it comes to processing scents. But we still need more research to fully understand why this is happening and how exactly it works. Even so, this is a really interesting area of study that gives us some valuable insights into how the brains of people with psychopathic tendencies are different.

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