4 Things to Never Say to a Narcissist

4 Things to Never Say to a Narcissist


Narcissists are not normal people. When I say normal, I mean someone who wants to hear you, validate you and care about you. With a narcissist, it is th+e complete opposite. It is all about “them”; it is not about “you” or “us”. You are not equal in the narcissist’s eyes, because that would diminish the narcissistic egoic need for “more” and “superiority” – meaning power OVER others. You are merely an object to mine, manipulate and exploit to feed the narcissist’s False self that insatiably requires “more” to try to exist.

There are lots of subtle things you should not say, like “Why can’t I share how I feel?” or even asking them the question of why they do anything. But beyond that subtle stuff, there are four things you definitely should not say in a narcissistic relationship. Because not only will it get you nowhere, it can backfire. So keep these four things in your back pocket, because knowing this can help you waste less time in these relationships.

I’m starting here to say that I know you want to say these things. I want to say these things to them, we all do. But it gets you nowhere. Remember that it’s not foolish to want to say these things to a narcissistic person, but if you keep saying them, in some ways it can really keep you stuck in an endless loop in this relationship. And I’m going to share why that is at the end of this article. Are you ready for these?

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