What Makes a Covert Narcissist Regret Leaving You?


1. They will regret leaving you when they feel like they can’t replace you.

 Covert narcissists will likely regret leaving you when they feel they can’t replace you. Once they think they will never find someone else as good as you or someone else who is willing to put up with their behaviour, they’ll regret the thought of losing you. Sometimes, because of their subtle nature, covert narcissists will find relationships as the only way for them to have any sense of security.

If they have many people willing to help them and make them feel good about themselves, they’ll be more likely to stay. But if they don’t have that many people or if those people don’t give in the same kind of attention as you did, then they’re going to want to find someone who can give them what they want, and that’s not likely to be you. Narcissists might think they can find someone who is just as good as you, but they’ll never get over the idea of losing someone who makes them feel special.

 2. They will regret leaving you because they always hide their true feelings.

 Covert narcissists are people who tend to be able to hide their feelings well. This means that when something goes wrong in their life, it’s hard for them to show the world how they feel. One of the main reasons that covert narcissists regret leaving you is that they’re not as good at hiding their feelings as other types of narcissists- They’re pretty bad at it.

 Covert narcissists are the type of people who will tell you over and over again how much they love you but never show it. They’ll say they want to spend time with you but then avoid you at all costs. Narcissists talk about how much they care about your feelings and needs but expect you to give them exactly what they want, whenever they want it. If they start acting differently towards you after the breakup, it could be because they don’t want to show those feelings in front of other people.

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