What To Expect From The Aging Narcissist


3. Narcissistic Supply.

The third thing I want to look at is narcissistic supply. Narcissistic supply is something the narcissists will always need no matter how old they get, but many of the older narcissists seem to blatantly care more for the darker narcissistic supply.

 Dark narcissistic supply is what they get from hurting people and causing pain and confusion, because knowing that they are causing pain and suffering will always make a narcissist happy. They live to make others miserable, and now that they are viewed as “Seniors” they think that is the ticket for them to say what they want and do what they want.

 Their image and reputation are kind of put on the back burner, and their desires to control and oppress those around them become all the more evident. They never learn to value or love other people; they only know how to use and abuse to the very end. Their wants and needs are all that matters right down to their last breath; they never own up to the hurt and misery they cause. They only continue to perpetuate that others have done them wrong, that others are ungrateful, that others have no respect.

 The aging narcissist does have regrets but not the type you would expect; it always has to do with vengeance and wishing they had made someone pay.

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