What Types of People Attract Narcissists


 2. Untreated adult children of family dysfunction.

 Meaning, people who were raised in a home where active alcoholism or any other form of addiction was present. People who have endured abandonment, benign neglect, outright abuse. Now, that could be verbally, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, and/or sexually.

 For the record, any inappropriate sexual conduct with or in front of a minor is sexual abuse. Make no mistake. It involves secrecy, manipulation, and mountains, mountains of toxic guilt and shame that the child or minor is burdened with and forced to carry, throughout their childhood, throughout their teens, throughout their 20s, right into adulthood, right? Pretty sick stuff. You’ve gotta be pretty narcissistic to be exploiting a child or any minor in that fashion.

 In addition, adult children of family dysfunction include people who were raised by parents or primary caretakers who themselves were untreated adult children of alcoholism, addiction, abuse, or any form of high spectrum family dysfunction, as well as people whose parents or primary caretakers were themselves narcissistic, landed on the spectrum of destructive narcissism, people who were lacking in empathy, lacking in conscience to some degree, if not a very large degree.

A book: Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family.

 So when you are raised by parents or primary caretakers who neglected you, abandoned you, or abused you on any level, what happens is you grow up, if you don’t heal, you are fundamentally lacking a sense of self- you don’t know who you are. And as a result, narcissistic abuse is familiar to that wounded inner child, which is a very real aspect of your subconscious self.

 Until you heal that aspect of yourself, you are going to continue to attract what is a vibrational match, what is an emotional vibrational energetic match to the original family of origin wounding or trauma. Once you heal that aspect of yourself, everything changes, from the inside out. Everything changes.

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