10 Common Behaviors of Husbands Abused by Narcissistic Wives


 Number 7: Lives by her rules and expectations.

 The narcissistic wife will particularly end the initial status of their relationship, and devise a set of guidelines that she expects her partner to abide by. If you don’t listen to her, she will do anything she wants. She will discipline you severely if you continue to disobey her instructions. This might entail everything from withholding sex or love to frightening divorce and financial Devastation if you don’t do what she says.

 Avoiding becoming involved with a woman known to make demands of this kind in the first place is the most effective method to protect one’s still from being subjected to abuse of this sort. The narcissist’s husband is in a lose-lose situation… he lives by her rules, despite having no interest in doing so. Then he becomes resentful and angry, or he lives his own life and becomes a target for her Wrath. He is expected to conform to her rules, even when not beneficial.

 Number 8: Tries to make her happy and tries to repair the marriage.

 When a wife’s narcissism is combined with her husband’s codependency, it can become toxic. Narcissistic women have an insatiable need for attention and praise… they must always be the center of attention and they need everyone around them to feel sorry for them and make excuses for their bad behavior.

 Narcissistic wives also expect their husbands to prioritize their needs, even if it means neglecting their responsibilities or family members. Once a husband wants to repair his marriage, he will try harder than ever to make his wife happy again, even if that means neglecting himself or his children. You may even start spending more money on gifts for her or start doing things around the house that she wants to be done.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

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