10 Signs of a Malignant Narcissist


 Number 1: Malignant narcissists use, abuse, and discard people.

 Malignant narcissists are the most dangerous people to have in your life. They are incredibly exploitative of others for financial gain or personal pleasure. They will use, abuse, and discard people whenever and however they want to and they will see other people as objects that can be used to satisfy their needs.

 Having a relationship with one will never have you feel safe and secure. Malignant narcissists are incapable of love and empathy, so they will never be able to give you what you need. They may often appear charming and seductive when they meet new people and they usually make friends so quickly and may appear to be very sociable. Never fall for this trap, they are just masking how abusive they are.

 Number 2: They take pleasure in the suffering of other people.

 Malignant narcissists are sadistic, and they derive pleasure from causing others pain. They enjoy hurting others by causing pain or making them feel bad about themselves and they may seem charmingly witty when they’re making fun of people. They’ll often ask their victims to give their opinions on specific topics, then mock them for their responses.

Malignant narcissists do this to make themselves look better, feel more powerful and important, or make others feel worthless. They don’t just enjoy it, they need it, they need to feel powerful and Superior, and they need you to be weak and inferior so that they can always be on top of everything. They don’t care who they hurt as long as they get what they want… they are manipulative and ruthless.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

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