10 Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact


7.The I still wanna be friends game is most often played by narcissist.

 Basically, according to a study done at Oakland University, people who want to be friends after they break up tend to be those of the darker personality traits like narcissists and psychopaths.

 Sociopaths are more likely to choose friends for strategic reasons as opposed to just being friends and that they prefer short-term relationships.

8. Abusive narcissists are very commonly doing no-contact or silent treatment things.

 Whether they recognize it consciously or not, narcissists are sort of wired to push your buttons in order to get what they want. These are exactly the things narcissists do when you go no contact.

9. We’re going to talk about the narcissistic world.

So let me just define what I mean by the narcissistic world. It’s when a narcissist goes up and down, hot and cold, and sometimes it’s almost like they’re tagging in their nicer twin or their more emotional self.

10. Stalking.

Some narcissists, especially those on the higher end of the scale tend to stalk us when we leave or even when they leave us. I hear this from viewers, readers, and clients regularly.

Those were the things narcissists do when you go no contact. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends.

Read more: Things NEVER To Do with A Narcissist

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