10 Tips to Co-Parenting With a Narcissist (Safely)


Number 4: Be the better parent in your situation.

By understanding how children are impacted by their surroundings, you can assist them in developing positive habits by setting a positive example. Demonstrate to your children appropriate responses to events and how to do the right thing. Narcissistic characteristics such as a lack of respect, incessant criticism, blaming, and trash-talking, are diametrically opposed to the abilities necessary to establish a healthy co-parenting relationship.

 Therefore, while co-parenting in the classic sense is not a possibility, consider it a kind of parallel parenting. As a good parent, you MUST rise above the problems that come with co-parenting with a narcissist and prioritize your children’s emotions. Maintain your Zen — be calm, collected, and composed. Be the cause for your children’s serenity.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 3: Avoid having an emotional conflict around your children.

Ensure that any verbal disagreements are kept out of earshot of your children. Avoid involving your children in any disagreements and keep matters between the two of you. Additionally, never employ your children as negotiators in your conversations. Adults that are anxious end up raising anxious youngsters. Those who pledge to be calm, polite, and emotionless with stability and consistency offer children a sense of security, shielding them from subtle psychological harm.

The persistent emotional manipulation of a narcissist might be more detrimental to a child’s growth and development than physical abuse. Children flourish when they are raised on a dependable foundation of unconditional love from a single stable parent. By expecting respect and cooperation, the insecure narcissist weaponizes parenthood. Demonstrate to your children that you earn, not demand, their respect. Create a secure sanctuary in your house.

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