10 Ways to Give Narcissists a Living Hell


 Number 8: Check them without overplaying your hand.

 If you really want to know how to completely destroy a narcissist, then you are going to have to know how to poke their buttons. A narcissist is always going to seek control, and they are both at their strongest as well as their most vulnerable when in a group setting. If you are dealing with a narcissist in a group of friends, you may want to start putting up your walls whenever they try to get close. While a narcissist doesn’t want to open up to you, they will always want their friends and co-workers to open up to them. This gives them leverage, as well as something to potentially discuss with others in an effort to gain social clout.

 If you feel like a person is trying to dig into your personal life, stopping them right away is a really good way to make things clear on where you stand. The narcissist will know that you saw through their scheme, which will make them weary of you, but they won’t be able to do anything about it. If the narcissist continues bothering you after this, then you can continue to push them back to square one time and time again. They will become frustrated and probably overplay their hand, while you can capitalize on the situation without having to pay it much mind.

Read More: 10 Ways to Scare a Narcissist Out of Your Life.

Number 7: If they upset you, don’t let them know.

 A narcissist isn’t a person who cares when they upset someone, as most truly believe that they matter more and are always in the right. If for whatever reason a narcissist says or does something that gets under your skin, the last thing you should do is let them know they upset you. Exposing the narcissist is about using their desire for excitement and drama against them, so by escalating the situation you will just be stoking the flames.

Your best bet in a situation like this is to stay firm and plant your feet, and tell them firmly that they can’t speak to you in that way. If what they said was enough to throw you off, your friends have definitely noticed as well, and so the battle has already been won in your favor. The lines get blurred when you go into a narcissist’s world of drama and fights, but if you act rationally, you’ll never end up there in the first place.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

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