10 Ways to Scare a Narcissist Out of Your Life


 Number 7: Focus on the truth.

 Narcissists are generally not afraid of the truth. In fact, they are so often sure of themselves that they don’t need to be careful about what they say or do. So if you want to scare a narcissist, you’ll have to focus on the truth differently. Find evidence that contradicts their self-image or beliefs and make them see it. If you can catch the narcissist in the lie and expose it, that’s when they’ll get scared.

 If you can prove that their success was due to someone else’s hard work or that their accomplishments were based on lies, they will be scared. If you can show them that no one really cares about them as much as they think they do and prove that no one cares enough to invest any time or effort into helping them, they’ll be scared.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Number 8: Counter their manipulation and abuse.

 Narcissists are all about the manipulation game. They’ll twist the truth, lie, cheat, and steal, and even Gaslight you to get what they want. But there’s one way to scare a narcissist; counter their manipulations with your own. If you know that they’re going to try to Gaslight you into thinking something is true when it isn’t, call them on it. If they try to tell you that something is all your fault and then blame it on someone else when you call them out on it, call them out for blaming others for their own mistakes.

 Suppose you can counter their manipulations and abuse. It might seem hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will get. In that case, you will scare a narcissist because it will make them feel that they are no longer being accepted as Superior by everyone around them. This will make them feel like they are losing control over their lives, which is something narcissists fear.

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