10 Ways to Scare a Narcissist Out of Your Life


 Number 4: Praise and then criticize them.

 The best way to scare a narcissist is by doing something that makes them feel vulnerable. Narcissists crave validation so praise them first if you want to scare them. They tend to take things personally when criticized or rejected by others, so why would they be afraid?

 Because they are worried about losing the admiration of others; suppose a narcissist has been praised by someone who is now criticizing them. In that case, they will feel anxiety over this change in opinion because their self-esteem is threatened.

 Number 5: Don’t give in to their demands.

 Narcissists are the worst when they’re not getting what they want. They want attention, and if you give it to them, they’ll keep coming back for more. Narcissists throw tantrums and make your life miserable until you cave in, and then they’ll just keep expecting you to give in every time.

 Narcissists hate being ignored, they want everyone to be focused on them; their needs, their wants, their problems, and their concern. Don’t give in to their demands and let them be scared because they can’t anymore control you.

 Number 6: Have boundaries with them.

 Stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Narcissists need others around them to feel good about themselves. They are very good at getting people on their side. Still, if you have a strong sense of self and aren’t willing to compromise your beliefs, just for someone else’s approval, it will scare them away.

 Narcissists are often so afraid of feeling vulnerable that they’ll do whatever it takes to avoid being seen as weak or needy, even if that means hurting other people. It makes them uncomfortable, which will make them think about what it means for someone else to set limits on their behaviour. Having boundaries with them is so important. Setting limits and not giving in to their demands will show them that you are not afraid of their wrath.

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