11 Ways You are Hurting Your Dog Without Realizing


 Number 9: Not observing flea and warming treatment.

 Although not intentionally, taking long periods between your dog’s parasite treatment or not observing it at all can be very harmful. With time, these parasites begin to cause itchiness, secondary skin infection, anemia, weight loss, and digestive problems. All of these make life unbearable for your boots.

As they say, prevention is better than cure, so whether your dog leaves the house regularly or not, you might want to get her checked. Even in cold winters when you think these parasites won’t be active, it’s still best to discuss with your vet how best you can protect your pooch. And finally, make sure that your dog is tested for heartworm infection every year.

 Number 10: Allowing the dog to stick its head out of a moving car.

 You may have noticed that your dogs enjoy riding with their head out the window, but just because they enjoy it doesn’t mean it’s good for them. While they may just be enjoying the wind in their fur in the different sense they get to perceive, sticking their heads outside the car window could be quite dangerous for your pet.

 Keep in mind that different hazards like branches and rocks on the road can hit them straight in the face, and then, there’s dust, which could get into your dog’s eyes. Finally, the constant flapping in the breeze, harmless as it may seem, could sometimes lead to ear damage. So just the same way you’d stop your kids from hanging their heads outside the window, you may also want to do the same with your furry friend.

 Number 11: Not securing your dog in the car.

 As relaxing as car rides may be, safety procedures need to be taken for a safe ride both for the Rider and the passenger. And if your dog happens to be your passenger, it also deserves the same protection. Imagine a case where you’d end up in an accident, your unprotected dog could get severely injured or even worse, not survive.

 Fortunately, there are many great options to make sure your dog is kept safe while you’re out driving. You could choose to get harness seat belts or pet carriers for your car. All you have to do is make sure you can get one that suits your needs.

Read More: 15 Human Foods That Could HARM Your Dog (MUST KNOW!)


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