When you have an ongoing engagement with someone with a very strong narcissistic bent, let’s keep in mind they have a high need for control, low levels of empathy, and lots of exploitive and manipulative behaviors. When you’re in the presence of that person, do you ever just get the feeling where you think, “You know, I guess just by my very presence here, I’m driving this person crazy, and it seems to be bringing out the very worst in them. I seem to bring out the very worst in them.”
Well, let’s keep in mind that you’re a player on the stage, and that’s very important for you to recognize. The plot is whatever is going on inside of their mind, and they’re trying to bring you into their plot, but you are indeed a player on their stage. If you feel like you’re driving that person crazy, I want you to recognize four different issues that that narcissistic individual may be dealing with that keeps them in that crazy-making kind of mode toward you.
Now, as I go through these four issues, I’m going to want to talk with you about what it does to the inside of them as they engage with you, and then I’m also going to want to talk about how you might be able to respond when they try to pull you into their game because that’s obviously something you don’t want to do. So let’s get right to it.
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