4 Issues That Drive Narcissists Crazy

#3: Complexity.

Another thing that can drive a narcissist crazy is life’s complexities. Not only can you have disruptions just in terms of lifestyle preferences, but there just may be some things about who you are and how you conduct life or other individuals that can drive them crazy. They have a hard time dealing with things that require a certain amount of blending, empathy, or acknowledgment of, “You know, that’s just not the way things go, but there it is.”

As an example, there may be some people who have lifestyle issues. Maybe there’s been a stepparent or stepchildren kind of situation, and it creates difficulties during the holiday time. Or it may be that inside a business setting, they want to go forward with a certain project, but there are all sorts of little details that have to be taken care of. It may be that they’re engaging with you, and you have different preferences as to how you want to engage in things, and then you’re over there saying, “Well, as we’re doing this, we need to factor in these people over here.” They just don’t like to have things in that complex kind of way. They’re very black-and-white in the way that they think, and as a result, they want life to unfold according to what their grooves tell them.

So anytime life complexities come along, they’re thinking, “Quit asking me to adjust. Quit telling me I’m supposed to compromise. This feels like I’m dealing with too much vagueness, and I don’t know how to do things. I just want to nail things down.” Complexity can create that crazy-making on the inside.

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