Narcissism comes in different forms, and one of the most dangerous is covert narcissism. Unlike the loud and obvious narcissist who demands attention, the covert narcissist hides behind a mask of innocence, kindness, or even helplessness. They manipulate others quietly, using guilt, passive aggression, and emotional games to stay in control. When the covert narcissist is a woman, her tactics can be even harder to detect.
What if you could read between the lines of someone’s personality and see the danger before it even unfolds? The female covert narcissist presents five distinct faces to the world: outer manifestations of hidden personality traits. Each of these faces hides a deep, calculated agenda.
In this article, I’ll decode the five faces of the female covert narcissist and show what each one really means so that you can protect yourself in any situation. Of course, narcissism presents itself in men and women, but in this article, I want to focus on the female covert narcissist. Think of each of her faces as a persona she projects to secure narcissistic supply.
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