5 Signs You Have Hurt The Narcissist

5 Signs You Have Hurt The Narcissist


Today, I want to talk about the top 5 Signs You Have Hurt The Narcissist. Let’s get started!

 It doesn’t take much to hurt a narcissist. It may seem like any little thing you do can upset them. And when you are around the narcissist, you may find yourself walking on eggshells, you may find that you have to be extremely cautious about your words or actions because they are easily upset or annoyed. Sometimes their emotions can show in certain behaviors, their behavior can reveal if you have caused them emotional pain.

 We know that narcissists pretend to be hurt, pretend to be the victim, etc, but they do get some well-deserved punches here and there because they are easily offended, easily annoyed, their ego is easily bruised and they are definitely easy to wound.

 Some things will only scare the narcissist, while others cut deep. It all depends on who is delivering the blow, when it happens, and where it takes place. Meaning whether it’s in public or private. But the things that actually hurt the narcissists the most all come down to their pride and need for control.

 So here are five signs you have hurt the narcissist.

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