5 Signs You Have Hurt The Narcissist


 5. When they try to hurt you

 A clear sign that you have hurt the narcissist is when they try to hurt you. If they say or do anything that is intended to hurt you, that is a clear sign that you have hurt them. Narcissists are very petty vengeful people. They always have to retaliate, they always have to have a comeback, even though you may not even know what you’ve said or done to make them mad. They’re very sensitive, they’re paranoid and hyper-vigilant.

A Wonderful Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 So they’re always on edge, they’re always scanning the environment for threats, and they always find evidence of what they’re looking for because whatever you focus on expands. But if the narcissist is trying to hurt you, they must think that you’ve hurt them, whether you intended to or not, it doesn’t really matter, they’re still going to get revenge because they’re hurt and they need to regulate their emotions somehow. So they will withhold something from you or sabotage something that you’re doing because they want you to feel more pain than they felt when you hurt them, so they will do anything to cause problems and difficulties for you.

You may see the narcissist acting strange towards you, they may seem angry, they may be trying to make you envious or jealous of something, they may be trying to hurt you. And the reason why they do these things is because they’ve hurt. Narcissists believe that you cause them emotional pain, so now they want to get back at you. They want to make you feel worse than they feel.

Those were the top 5 signs you have hurt the narcissist, thank you for reading. If you found this article beneficial, please share it with your friends and family, sharing is caring!

Read more: Words That Will HURT The Narcissist | Know These 5 Phrases


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