5 Telltale Signs A Narcissist Is Obsessed With You

5 Telltale Signs A Narcissist Is Obsessed With You


Narcissists are known for demonstrating a worrying lack of empathy along with deviously manipulative traits, oh, and before I forget to mention it, HUGE egos too. Yes, that’s right, they love spending hours looking in the mirror and being told how fabulous they are. To put it in other words, people with this personality disorder are firmly in love with themselves, to the point of being totally obsessed with their so-called perfection, but the question is, can they put their self-admiration aside enough to become preoccupied with someone else?

Narcissists are self-absorbed individuals who usually take no interest in other people. They are the ones who are in love with the idea of their made-up reality. In other words, they are in love with themselves, considering this fact, can a narcissist be obsessed with someone?

 The answer is an absolute Yes! The signs are there; you just only have to look for them. If you’re having difficulties figuring that out, we will guide you through five telltale signs a narcissist is obsessed with you. Let’s begin!

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