7 Painful Truths Empaths Must Face When Dealing With Narcissists

7 Painful Truths Empaths Must Face When Dealing With Narcissists


In today’s topic, we are going to be talking about the painful truths you must face when dealing with narcissists.

Let us remember again just how it really feels being an empath. As an empathic soul, you are kind, soft, gentle, and tender-hearted. And since you can understand other people’s feelings, you always get ready and want to understand those situations as well. You care, you know, and you put yourself in other people’s shoes, trying to feel whatever they’re going through.

 Although faced with numerous challenges themselves, empaths so try to find room to accommodate the problems of others. However, dealing with a narcissist is a tricky one for an empath; being the loving and soft-hearted Souls that they are, they can easily be manipulated by the narcissists. They can accommodate their flaws, negativity, and defiance’s without knowing what to do about it.

 Narcissists display a lot of negative energy around them, making the empath carry such a heavy burden. In any case, the impact needs to realize that narcissists have a distorted mentality. They must see them for who they are, and they must also know that supporting, believing, and making excuses for narcissists only encourages their behavior to become worse.

 As much as the empath wants to see the good in narcissists, here are some bitter truths they must see about them.

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