7 Serious Mental Illnesses Empaths Get from Narcissistic Abuse


 Number 6: Severe eating disorders.

 Severe eating disorders are one of the serious mental illnesses that may affect empaths. When empaths cannot cope with their stress in other ways, they turn to stress eating. They find solace in pleasure in food that they overindulge, making them vulnerable to obesity and other health issues associated with excessive weight gain. Some empaths suffer from a lack of appetite and refuse to eat even when provided with their favorite food. Appetite loss can also be linked to other issues such as addiction and depression.

 Number 7: Severe anxiety disorders.

 Due to the persistent mental abuse imposed on empaths by narcissists, they will acquire anxiety disorder. Gaslighting, guilt-tripping, pressure, and threats are some of the examples of such mental abuse. When narcissists ask empaths to do something for them, empaths are worried that they won’t be able to please them. They will wind up disappointing them, owing to their unreasonable demands, which empaths can’t meet.

 Empaths are concerned that if they don’t give narcissists what they want, they will be cursed, subjected to ridiculous rants, and threatened with bodily damage. Narcissists are never pleased with what they have, and no matter how hard empaths try, narcissists’ needs will never be met.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 In conclusion, those are seven of the many possible mental severe illnesses empaths may acquire due to narcissistic abuse. If you think you can relate to one of the signs surrounding these mental illnesses, please feel free to consult your trusted healthcare professional so that you will receive the best treatment that you deserve. Do not be afraid to seek professional help. Break the stigmata; you are not crazy, you are just a byproduct of abuse who sustained mental and emotional wounds that if treated properly will go back to the best version of yourself. Take your time to heal our dearest empaths.

Read More: How to Get Over a Narcissistic Ex (9 Steps)


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