7 Signs You May Be Texting a Narcissist

7 Signs You May Be Texting a Narcissist


Have you ever gotten a text or maybe a series of texts that made you wonder whether the person on the other end was a raging narcissist? I sure have, and I’m going to tell you all about my experience as I go through the seven signs that you’re texting a narcissist. Let’s get to it!

Let’s be honest, People with narcissistic personalities are very smooth operators and absolutely fantastic at what they do. Whether it’s in real life or behind a screen, these folks are experts in getting what they want and aren’t afraid to step on a few toes to accomplish their aims. Because they are so skillful in the art of deception, when it comes to dating, their love-bombing can actually be interpreted as caring and enthusiastic interest. Although, once you’ve fallen victim to these sorts of vultures once, you’ll know that certain red flags even appear in the texting stage of a relationship.

Today, we’re talking about signs that you might be texting a narcissist. When you’re in this place where you’re wondering if you’re texting a narcissist, it’s probably the early stages of a relationship. So maybe it’s somebody who just started dating, or maybe it’s a new friend. But usually, at this stage, you’re texting more than you’re actually seeing the person in person. So this is really the only way you can get a feel for who they are, and this is also the stage where you want to cut things off before it goes too far if you see red flags.

The Following Are The Top 7 Signs You May Be Texting a Narcissist.

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