7 Ways your Parents Raised you Wrong!


6. They Forgot To Give You The Sex Talk!

  So some of you might disagree with me here, and at the moment, no one really wants to have a sex talk with their parents, and really not every parent feels comfortable giving a sex talk. But for many children growing up, if they didn’t talk to their parents about sex, they will receive absolutely no sexual education at all.

 And if you’ve been through an American school system, you probably know that sex education can be pretty dismal, unless, of course, you walk into a locker room or you sit at the back of the bus. Because even as an adult, the things you believe about abstinence, STI, or contraception, it might be wrong, and there’s not much you can do in this situation besides just starting to educate yourself.

 Take some time this year to get tested for STR, STDs if you’ve had more than a couple of partners, and ask the medical staff, any questions you might have about safe sex and contraception options.

7. Their Way Was The Only Way!

 The last way that your parents might have raised you wrong, most likely you inherited a religion or political view from your parents. And before I even get any comments on this, I want to say I don’t want to step on any feet, but there’s literally a 90% probability that you’re probably the same as your parents in a lot of ways.

 You grew up attending a church or learning why one political party was better than the other. Even in mock elections at school, if you had them, you probably just voted for whoever your parents were gonna vote for. Now, there’s nothing wrong with teaching children what you think is right, but parents who don’t have an open mind will probably give this straight to their children.

 Parents who don’t allow their children to explore other religions, other lifestyles, or other ways of thinking, might be holding their child back from a life that they would absolutely love. Luckily, there is always time for people to open their minds and expand their thinking. So don’t feel guilty about trying something new or straying away from the ideas that you thought your parent might have thought were right.

 As children, we usually give our adults something called a god complex, and as we grow up, we realize our parents may have not always been correct. They might not have even had our best interest in mind. So as you start to open your mind, you might convince your parents to open their minds as well.

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