8 Signs of an Immature Person – Is Immaturity a Sign of Narcissism?


3. They Try to Pin The Blame On You.

Every time you try to make an emotionally immature person accountable for their actions, they’ll manipulate you and make you feel that you’re somehow responsible for everything. You’ll get into an argument thinking to yourself how you’ve been wronged and deserve an apology, but end up being the one that’s apologizing every single time.

This is because emotionally immature people never learned how to accept that they too, like everybody else, can be wrong sometimes. They can’t come to terms with it and find ways to always hold someone else responsible for their shortcomings and issues. Instead of being thoughtful and admitting when they’ve messed up, they’ll place the blame on other people or circumstances beyond their control.

4. They’re Narcissistic.

There’s self-love and then there’s narcissism. Self-love comes from accepting your flaws and understanding that those flaws are a part of you and are what make you, you. Narcissism is when you refuse to accept that you have any flaws and think that you’re the most perfect person on Earth.

Self-love requires you to accept that you’re flawed and have issues like everyone else. This requires a level of emotional maturity and coming to terms with this fact. Emotionally immature people lack that and hence they’re narcissistic.

This narcissism also leads to them thinking they’re better than everyone and makes them rude. They won’t pay attention to you, your feelings, or your problems. They come first because they feel they’re better than you. These people are not only emotionally immature but also toxic. Do your best to stay away from these people.

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