8 Sneaky Things Narcissists Do to Get You Back


3.  Getting you involved in their drama.

 As someone who has struggled with co-dependency, you’re especially susceptible to helping people in need, that couldn’t be more true for someone you love or have loved. So a narcissist might come to you with some big problem or issue in their lives that they need your help with.

This could be something as serious as the death of a loved one that they just can’t make it through without your support, or something as simple as an argument with a friend or a co-worker. One example I gave earlier is that client that I mentioned whose ex tried to hoover her back in by bringing his sick dog to her house and asking her to help take care of him. As I said, there are no limits for narcissists.

4. The accidental ‘ butt-dial ‘ or ‘ Oopsie text ‘.

This is when they accidentally call you or accidentally send you a message meant for someone else. It’s a sneaky one. They will often accidentally call your phone or text you something random at mysterious times so that you’re enticed to call or text back or ask what they need. What they meant by that text, or why they called in the first place.

 Then, of course, they’re going to pretend it was an accident or that they meant to call or text someone else. And before you know it, what’s gonna happen, you’re in a full-on conversation during which the narcissist will try to pull you back into that circle of supply on some level.

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