8 Sneaky Things Narcissists Do to Get You Back


1. Saying “YES” to what you want.

 Finally, saying that one thing you’ve been dying to hear. Yeah, narcissists are infamous for holding things over your head and for feeling justified in not giving you what you want, and what you need in a relationship.

For example, if you were dating a narcissist for 10 years and you just wanted them to pop the question or whatever, they might hoover you back in with a diamond ring in a proposal if that’s why you left. Or, if you were married to a narcissist and you always wanted a baby, suddenly they got parental feelings. They might try to hover you back in with an offer to have a baby with you.

2. Future-faking you.

 They are known for their future faking ways where they promise you this amazing life together and never follow through with it. Many narcissists will use future faking as a way to suck you back in. They will promise you the world. Maybe they promise to buy you a house, or maybe they promise to finally go to couples counseling with you or to really stop cheating on you this time.

 Most often, they fail to deliver, but they use future faking in order to get you back into their clutches and back into that relationship.

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