Dating A Narcissist? – 12 Warning Signs You’re Dating A Narcissist


 Number 7 : Obsession with status.

Does your partner act like their friends with celebrities? Or do they brag about how much money they make? Narcissists are often obsessed with status and power, even if they don’t have either one. They’ll pretend like they’re the wealthiest person in the room. why?

Well, because they need people to look up to them. It’s how a narcissist develops their self-worth. They want the people around them to feel inferior. That’s also why narcissists shy away from people with real power because they feel small in comparison. They know they can’t compete.

Narcissists surround themselves with people they feel superior to. In other words, if you’re dating a narcissist, they probably think they’re better than you.

Number 8 : The silent treatment.

Couples have been using the silent treatment for hundreds of years, but narcissists use this little punishment more than anyone else. You see a narcissist believes that talking to them is a gift. They think you need to hear their voice. Otherwise, you’ll feel empty and incomplete.

So when they want to punish you, they’ll just keep quiet because, in their mind, the silent treatment is basically torture.

Recommended: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men – by Lundy Bancroft.

 Number 9: Lack of positivity

Narcissists don’t like to acknowledge anyone else’s success. They’re the first person to jump on a mistake or make fun of someone behind their back. But when something goes right, a narcissist has nothing positive to say. why?

Well, because narcissists don’t want anyone to look better than them. They treat everyone’s success as a direct challenge, even their partners. They’ll devalue your accomplishments and subtly undermine your success just to make themselves feel superior.

So pay attention to how often your partner encourages and praises you. If you’re with the kind of person who rarely ever supports you, chances you’re dating a narcissist.

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