How To Get A Narcissist To Leave You Alone Forever


 Tip number three: Taking your power back.

This truly is a decision. And for some of you, you have been so beaten down for so long, you can’t even fathom how can I begin to take my power back? Well, I have to tell you that this is a decision that you can make one moment at a time, deciding that you are no longer willing to sell your soul to the devil, the devil being this destructive relationship. You are no longer willing to allow your life force energy, your vital life force energy to be siphoned out of you in these toxic dynamics.

 Make a decision that you are going to take your power back, whatever it takes. I am not going to engage, I am not going to respond, I am not going to play, even though it hurts like hell right now, even though I feel like I’m Jonesing, and I’m coming out of my skin, which is the truth of what we live sometimes as a result of trying to break free from these dynamics, as painful as they are.

 And there are a lot of reasons for that, but the truth is we go through this horrible discomfort, making the decision not today. I am going to own my power. I am not giving my power away. It really is a moment-by-moment choice. And from that choice, from that decision of I am taking my power back from this destructive, dysfunctional relationship dynamic, I am going to do whatever it takes to take care of myself.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

 Tip number four: Committing to a healing and recovery journey.

The truth is, if we don’t make our own healing and recovery a priority, if we don’t learn and decide to put ourselves first, learn to put ourselves first in our own lives, and decide to put ourselves first in our own lives, with the exception, of course, those of you who are moms, your children are always going to come first. But other than that, we’re often putting these really destructive people first in our lives, and we’re getting crumbs, we’re getting nothing in return.

 No, it’s time to turn all of that around. We come first. We have to learn to love ourselves more in order to really be able to live our best lives as our best selves, in order to really be able to fulfill the purpose that each and every one of us has come to the planet to fulfill. And we all have a reason for being here. In order to be able to even have a shot at living your best life as your best self, in order to have a shot of being able to finally break free from the destructive narcissist and these patterns once and for all, for good and forever, the truth is, we have to have a healing and recovery program in place, whatever that is for you.

Trying to do this, navigate this on your own without a healthy support system in place is going to be near impossible. So commit to a healing and recovery program, whatever that is for you.

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