How To Recognize A Narcissist – 11 Warning Signs Someone Is A Narcissist


8. Always unimpressed with you or other people

No one else can be the best version of themselves. They’d like to bring everybody down. And they will never give you praise. They would not even say if you asked them to. They would always say, but you don’t deserve it just yet, because you haven’t done this or because of this. And they always find fault in you and others, even if it’s not a big deal, to a narcissist, it’s huge.

9. Love to lie about anything

 Narcissists are prone to chronic lying. Simply, because anything they can lie about to make themselves look ten times better, then they will do just that. It could be something crazy, from the type of car they drive, to even a type of shoes or socks they buy, or even supermarket they go to. They will lie, honestly, everything and anything.

10. Avoid taking responsibilities

 Narcissus will take any kind of opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for something they did. Most of the time, they will flat out deny any kind of confrontation when it comes to dealing with responsibility. They feel as if they are completely able to get away with things without the consequences to follow soon afterward.

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