How To Recognize A Narcissist – 11 Warning Signs Someone Is A Narcissist


11. They expect people to them but don’t return the favor

 They expect people to go above and beyond. And they will expect help from you but they would never give you health back. Let’s say your car broke down, they would not offer to help you. However, if their car broke down, they would guilt tricked you into helping them out.

 It’s just one of those things that narcissists, unfortunately, have going on inside their brains. They think that they deserve all this help in the world and don’t realize that it can really break down relationships when you are – this arrogant person who doesn’t care about family and friends.

 Hopefully, you don’t have anybody in your life that has these traits and I really hope that you don’t have these traits either. Remember, if you have these traits, go out there and get some help. There are so many people that can really help you to become the best version of yourself.

Read more: Are You A Narcissist? | How To Determine If You Are A Narcissist

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